Thursday, November 12, 2020

I Don't Always Stop And Look At Horses On Wait Yes I Do T Shirt

Quite a I Don't Always Stop And Look At Horses On Wait Yes I Do T Shirt bitso today with sock holidays we have avoicemail. Back to thatand more and more creating more flowstate which will help aid the healingwill help me feel better but also nottaking on too much either and that’s I’mgood at being a workaholic and so I amconstantly saying no to a lot of stuffthe only other thing that I’m saying yesto right now and we’re saying no to awhole lot of stuff so we had a triad ofof yes so writing podcasting and maybedoing some talks later in 2017 we’llannounce those at the website so you canget up on our email newsletter you justgo to actually I got a new URL for ifyou go to the minimalists dot email youcan sign up for our email newsletter theminimalists email yeah it’s a new domainextension those out there now soundscrazy yeah you can you can find that andwe’ll never ever send you spam becausethat’s disgusting and and so yeah youwill work on a triad but then we alsohave a little side project that is alsoanother way for us to create we’reworking with some our friends fromminimally Simo and five style on aproject called minimalism dot life. World around us webuild an elementary school in 2015 wehelp the 52 victims of that horriblepulse nightclub shooting in Orlando lastyear and just last month we donated amajority of the profits from our firstfour lessons now tour stops to helpbuild an orphanage on the us mexicoborder and now here’s a new way for youto help contribute to charity and itwon’t cost you a pennythroughout 2017 Ryan and I are going todonate ten dollars to charity in yourname for every iTunes review we receivethis month it means we’re starting themonth with twenty three hundred andthirty reviews on iTunes so every reviewon top of that means ten dollars goes tocharity and the charity we’ve chosenthis month is one of my favoritecharities it’s called the againstmalaria foundation which according togive wall org the against malariafoundation is currently the mosteffectivelife saving nonprofit in the world whatdo they do with the against malariafoundation let me ask you this did youknow that malaria is one of the leadingkillers of children in

Source: I Don't Always Stop And Look At Horses On Wait Yes I Do T Shirt

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I Don't Always Stop And Look At Horses On Wait Yes I Do T Shirt
I Don't Always Stop And Look At Horses On Wait Yes I Do T Shirt

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You justI have had a I Don't Always Stop And Look At Horses On Wait Yes I Do T Shirt lot of strange lessons likethat. Thatwe ask and improving the type ofquestions we ask the better answerswe’re going to get and the more we’regoing to grow together and soencouraging questions in the familyconstantly questioning even you isimportant because it’s going to by themasking questions it also means that youget to shape their worldview becauseyou’re the one who’s going to beanswering the most questions in theirlife and so asking those questionsallows you to not just impose yourworldview on them but share yourworldviewopen them up to your worldview yourbelief your desires your values and beable to communicate communicate thoseeffectively and also it’s gonna help yougrow as well I know when Ella asked mequestions I don’t have an answer to Iwill often say I don’t know because Idon’t want to be dishonest with her butthen I try to figure out what the answeris to that question and it helps me growin the process and it’s certainlyhelping her grow as well our nextquestion is from JD in North CarolinaI’m new to the whole minimalist thingand I used. My overall situationletgo of the more trite vapid problems andimproving the problems I had in in myown life and so by letting go of theexcess stuff people around me startednoticing the the benefits of minimalismthe benefits of simplifying in my lifebecause I never jumped up and said lookat me I’m becoming a minimalist and youshould too because all of you you haveso much crap and I’m judging you knoweven now Ryan and I are going outproselytizing I don’t want to convertanyone to minimalism that’s not the ideahere what we’re trying to do is share arecipe that’s worked really well for meand a slightly different recipe that’sworked really well for Ryan and that’swhat we’ve really done over the last sixyears so when we first started theminimalists com it was because Ryan waslike hey I’ve been journaling about mywhole process of simplifying after hehad he had found out about minimalismfrom me and he did this crazy thingcalled a packing party for those of youwho aren’t familiar check out his TEDxtalk that he did you can
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