Friday, December 4, 2020

Eff You See Kay Goat Why Oh You T Shirt

The most memorable times growingup for the the team sports that she wason or job she had which were difficultyou know she was literally shovelinghorse crap on a Eff You See Kay Goat Why Oh You T Shirt farm in in Minnesotaover the summer but that that helpedshape her characterin shape who she is today thoseexperiences and I think what what reallywhat we’re talking about here what’s thecorrelation between her childhood and mychildhood is tension and resistance andI think what you want to create for yourchildren whether or not they want it isthat we’re all going to have once we’reall going to have desires you want tocreate the right once the right desiresbut you’re also going to want to createenough positive tension in their livesenough positive resistance and I talkedearlier about discomfort when you getinto that area of discomfort that is thearea from which you are going to growand the same is obviously true for yourchildren and so they see you right nowby the way they they see you workinghard you know your barber and so you’reworking in in a in a barber. Deprivingyourself of something we don’t thinkminimalism minimalism is aboutdeprivation but you know sometimes it’sokay to temporarily deprive yourself soyou can figure out what truly adds valueto your life and I’ve gone through someexperiments and in my life I got rid ofhome internet maybe four years ago and Iwrote an essay about this theminimalists calm internet about myexperience of getting rid of theinternet for one month and I’ll tell youwhat it was the most productive month ofmy life and I ended up never gettingthat that internet back and I got rid ofmy TV and realized that I was moreproductive without that but I’ve alsodone other sort of stoical experimentsdeprived myself temporarily of say mycell phone but after two months withoutthat I realized that yeah I was usingthat cell phone not very deliberatelywent but I could bring it back into mylife because there were some things thatreally added value to my life and so Iwas addicted to the smartphone and weget we can get addicted to technologyand sometimes. Rule where I on either side iftip I mean there’s some seasonal stuffright like my snowboard I’m only gonnause a few months out of the year so Iwouldn’t get rid of that um but for themajority of the stuff that I don’t usein the and I haven’t used in the last 30days and I’m if I’m honest with myselflike I’m I gonna use this in the next 30days I can usually kind of filter stuffout that way pretty well um but it justhave to be thirty thirty for you you cando ninety ninety that covers pretty muchthe whole year Josh and I wrote aboutthat on our websiteum the 20 20 rule have you heard of thatokay so for those who haven’t heard ofit essentially well let me tell you Joshand I got to this 20 20 rule so this was2011 we were we were going on our firsttour where you know we’d show up andlike we were lucky if there was fivepeople or sixpeople who came out to hang out with usat a coffee shop I couldn’t imagine nowif we were just like oh just meet us ata coffee shop and I don’t know maybelike the owner would be happy we kind ofa

Source: Eff You See Kay Goat Why Oh You T Shirt

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And sometimesit’s okay to disconnect so that we canmove on yeah I think the key takeawayhere for Jeff is to ask yourself thatquestion with each platform that isstressing you out the ones that youbrought up on the voicemail you know issnapchat is a Eff You See Kay Goat Why Oh You T Shirt really adding value or isit more of an ephemeral ephemeral way ofpacifying yourself that’s something thatI would ask with each application infact that’s what Josh and I do I mean wehave Google we have Pinterest we haveTwitter and Facebook we have a lot ofhelp managing that I shouldn’t say a lotwe add a little bit of help managingthose accounts just does an awesome jobwith that but we did pick thoseplatforms very specifically we don’thave a tumblr page that we keep up withwe don’t have one app chat app chat whatare the it yeah the kids do in thesedays yeah so there’s a lot of stuff thatwe avoided specifically because we feltlike these platforms we had it reachedthe broadest audience and we felt likewe could not only get the most value ofit but add the most value with it. You were up in Canada yeahwe we started in Banff. I won’t forgetthat’s for sure Wow my adrenalin stillfeels up
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